Awesome Features

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Attendance Management

This module helps in tracking and managing student attendance. It may include features like automated attendance marking, real-time tracking, and generating attendance reports.

Examination Management:

This includes features to manage the entire examination process, including exam scheduling, grading, and result generation.Smart Fee Reminders,Simple yet detailed Collection Reports, Complete Expense Management and more

Fees Management

It handles financial aspects of the institution, including fee collection, expense tracking, payroll management, and generating financial reports.

Parents-Teacher APP

Download the School Connect Parent App today and embark on a journey of enhanced communication, transparency, and active participation in your child's educational experience. Together, let's shape a brighter future for our students!

School Bus Tracking

School bus tracking enhances the safety and security of students during their commute. Parents can receive notifications or check the location of the school bus to ensure that their child is on the right route and is arriving safely at school or returning home.

SMS monitoring

schools might use SMS monitoring to ensure that communication between teachers and parents is effective. This could involve tracking communication related to important announcements, parent-teacher meetings, or other school-related matters.